How To Rank Push In PUBG Mobile | PUBG Tricks

After Crown & Ace tier all of you guys looking for Conqueror tier. We all know only top 500 player reach on Conqueror Tier. If your all still below Crown you need more practice in training room. These Tips & Tricks are only for ACE tier players or near to ACE and want to Rank Push Conqueror tier in PUBG Mobile Game

Before we discuss about Tips. Please read carefully following Lines which are very urgent for you.

  • Conqueror Tier Needs minimum 8000 Approximate Points.So we work for it.
  • After ACE Kills are more Important but survival is most important. In initial stage low K/D or Kill accepted but you need training ground practice time to time to increase your K/D to get points in future.
  • at 4200 Points you are at ACE, So 4200-5200 Survival till end gives you lots of point so you easily go through it. If get lots of kill and chicken dinner here you go fast till 5200 points.
  • 5200 points to 6000 points you need survival+Kills, Survival means you need top 10 every time. Kill journey starts from here which gives you positive points every time.
  • after 6000 points path is so hard you need chicken dinner in every match with decent Kills.
SO How to Done This
We have Some Tips & Tricks to Rank High in PUBG Mobile. Above Send Point Achieved Easily.
Its Some Boring Work So Make Your Mind.
Rank Push is Different from your another game play. Its boring you need to land on some safe points. If you are happy with hot drop landing this is so boring for you. Landing some safe points then survived till 30 enemies left. then try to fight is time consuming and boring. So prepared for It.
Choose the Best Map for You
Map Choosing for rank push is easy which map you play too much and know every location of the map roads and angles that is good map for you for rank push. We recommended Erangel Map which is highly played map for everyone.
Every Match is Important
Think that every match is important every minus points gives you to play few more matches if you want to go up very fast so stop hot dropping and make every match important for plus points.
Play with Squad, Stop With Random
Always play with your squad for rank push its help you so much. If the coordination with your friends is good your game play is good. If your coordination with your teammates is not good it gives you minus points most of time.
Don’t play with Random player they con’t give you priorities. Like Revive you, Gun sharing and land with you to much things you face with random players. We know every match is important so don’t risk this thing please.
Land on Safe Place Loot there then Fight.
Always Land on Safe place where you get decent loot good weapons etc. Till 30 Enemies left you need to survived so avoid gun fight till 30 enemies left. during this period you can killed Bots or small fights where you think almost won the fight. How to find bots is so easy. We Explain some for it in next Steps.
Always Play for Chicken Dinner
Only Key for Chicken Dinner is don’t risk for lives don’t Rush for fights. Always maintain your comfort zone where you fight and mostly win. Surviving till end for Chicken. In initial stage after ACE one star to five star you always think for last fight where you got too much survival points and last fight give you chicken which is key point for Rank Push.

Check Your Squad is Good

We always say play with your Squad not with random but how to check your squad is good or bad. First main thing to be notice is Good device. K/D don’t matter. how your squad follow you and game play is matter. A Good device is key point so its conform your teammates devices are good or bad due to this lagging issue, FPS problems solve.

But what a Good Device Means

A Good Device you check easily. If you play on device with High destination Graphics and no lagging issue that means that device is very good and sufficient for your need.
A bad device gives you lot of trouble in game play lagging makes you win to loss position just in second so makes it very important.

Zone First then fight

Always prefer Zone first then fight. Don’t fight out of zone you need rank push but your opposition team mind is different from that. So if you stunk outside zone you loss one whole team or a teammate out of zone that makes you weak in final fight for chicken dinner.

Every Teammate is Important till end

Every teammate is important till chicken dinner. So always goes for revive and safe position to make sure all your teammates alive. You need to learn tips to cover up your teammate during knockout position. When your teammate knockout don’t fight or confirm kills. you revive your teammate first.

When You Rush a Team

We always so don’t rush a team. Its means don’t free fall in front of your enemies. You first knock a enemies then knock second then rush. Its means enemies squad four enemies ahead if two of them are knock its clear one or two pending are revive them and its plus point for you they not give back fire you easily cover around them kill the all enemies. Second position is that out of four enemies two are knock one reviving and one give back fire so your team is strong you only fight with one man not all four. So always make a rush fight when two of them are knock make sure less then 30 enemies left in the map and you are enough close to enemies you reach to them before they got revived.

You Don’t Won Every Fight

One of the best Trick from me is that place in your mind you don’t won every fight. So always judge your fight with enemies if you think you go weak or your position is weak point. So left the fight and go for next. If you learn this step you play half the matches for conqueror tier.


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